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Path Planning in 3-D Space for Robot Based on Particle Swarm Optimization(PDF)


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Path Planning in 3-D Space for Robot Based on Particle Swarm Optimization
Wei Daijun1Xiang Changcheng12
1.Department of Mathematics,Hubei Institute for Nationalities,Enshi 445000,China;2.Automatic College,Chongqing University,Chongqing 400030,China
partic le swa rm optim ization path planning robot
The pa rtic le sw arm optim ization is applied to path plann ing problem in 3 - D space for robo t in th is paper. First of a l,l the o rig in re ference fram e is transfo rm ed the new re ference fram e by the space coordinate transfo rm; The SD wh ich is connected the or ig ination spot and the objective spot o f the robot is d iv ided into n + 1 do t, the n vertica l space toZ line is taken at the un iform do t, and the lattice of regu lar po lygon is distributed in each space, and a ll lattices o f regular po lygon are constructed on the search space of the PSO. Fina lly, the PSO is applied in the 3 - D space pa th p lann ing, and the exper im ent resu lts prov ed that the a lgor ithm is effective in convergence speed and prec ision.


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Last Update: 2013-04-24