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Description and Analyses of Open Solaris Kernel Process Based on XYZ/E(PDF)


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Description and Analyses of Open Solaris Kernel Process Based on XYZ/E
Wang Shaojiang1Zhang Guangquan1Wu Guowei2
1.School of Computer Science and Technology,Soochow University,Suzhou 215006,China;2.Educational Equipment & Work-Study Strategy Center of Jiangsu Province,Nanjing 210024,China
XYZ /E open mu lt-i task operating system kerne l process cr iterion descr iption stepw ise refinem en t
Th is paper bu ilds up an Open So lar is Kerne l Process Ana ly zing model and refine mode l using XYZ/E. W e m a inly ana ly ze ke rnel process data structure, ke rnel process establishment, system schedu ling and c lock all the above w ith XYZ /AE. F ina lly, kernel process cr iterion is displayed; mu lt-i task and mu lt-i user ope rating system kerne l pro cess a re descr ibed. Stepw ise refinem en t is used to refine kerne l process


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Last Update: 2013-04-24