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Comparison and Analysis of Hash Algorithm Based on Flows(PDF)


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Comparison and Analysis of Hash Algorithm Based on Flows
Qiang Shiqing1Cheng Guang2
1.School of Computer Science and Engineering,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China;2.Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Computer Network Technology,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China
flow hash packet hash un ifo rm ity co llision ra te
In orde r to re lax the contradiction betw een the high- speed ne tw ork measurem ent and the hardware resou rces it is necessary to make a sam pling trea tm ent w ith ne tw ork flow. The em erg ing techn iques based on hash-samp ling have been w ide ly used, and the perform ance o f flow hash a lgor ithm is one o f the key m easuring technolog ies. The study o f hash in h igh-speed ne tw ork m easu rem ent w as m ainly concentrated on the perform ance o f the packet hash function, yet there haven’ t been the ana lysis and comparative study fo r the perform ance of the ex isting flow hash. From the theoretical analysis and experim ental verification point, th is paper pu ts forward severa l pe rform ance estim ations of flow hash, and uses the CERNET backbone tra ffic to m ake comparative study in un iform ity and low co llision ra te of genera l flow hash, and thus prov ides a foundation fo r se lecting flow hash.


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Last Update: 2013-04-24