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Research of Mixed Security Trust Mechanism Based on Peer-to-Peer(PDF)


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Research of Mixed Security Trust Mechanism Based on Peer-to-Peer
Wang Yu
College of Computer,Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Nanjing 210003,China
P2P secur ity trustm echanism
In th is paper, we describe a distributed security trust m echan ism based Peer-to-Peer, in w hich loca l trust m echan ism is comb ined w ith g lobal trust m ode .l H av ing cons ide red a ll good qua lities from traditiona l trust mechan ism the m echan ism not only takes fu ll advan tage o f the h istory interactions between two peers, but also takes in to accout interactions among all netwo rk. It is o f pertinency, and occup ies less ne tw ork bandw idth. Bes ides, it is of reasonable punishm en tm echanism, wh ich can avo id security problem s effective ly, such as pretend ing and slander ing.


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Last Update: 2013-04-24