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An Ontology Learning Method Based on Bootstrapping(PDF)


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An Ontology Learning Method Based on Bootstrapping
Zhang Jun1Gao Zhiqiang1Xu Hui2Cai Shiyan1Dai Yunhui3
1.College of Computer Science and Engineering,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China;2.College of Software Engineering,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China;3.College of Economy,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China
in fo rm ation ex traction onto logy learn ing boo tstrapp ing
Th is pape r presents a boo tstrapp ing-based approach fo r on to logy learn ing wh ich can be used in field wo rds acqu isition. This approach only requires a sm a ll se t of seed term s and an unm arked corpus as its input, and it learns extraction patterns using seed te rm s, and detects new fie ld te rm s us ing patte rns lea rned be fo re, and aga in using new ly acqu ired field term s to d iscover nove l ex traction pa tterns, and iterate on. Experim ents show that this approach produces a re lative ly h igh-quality dom a in-specific dictionary and a set of ex traction patternsw hich can be consequently app lied to inform ation extraction in re la ted dom a in


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Last Update: 2013-04-24