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An Multiagent Reinforcement Learning Based on Partition and Integration(PDF)


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An Multiagent Reinforcement Learning Based on Partition and Integration
Wang YunHan Wei
Information Science and Engineering College,Nanjing University of Financial and Economics,Nanjing 210046,China
mu ltiagent system re inforcem ent learn ing state- space partition
To counte r for the prob lem of slow ly convergence of Q leaning w hen com e ing to large state-space, the paper pu ts forw ard an a lgo rithm w hich divide the sta tes space acco rd ing to learn ing e rrors. The basic idea o f our algor ithm is to d iscover the m atch ing re lationship be tw een ag ents and the sub- space o f sta tes space. The sim ulations in g rids w ith b locks ind icate that the algorithm perform s betterw hen com e ing to on- line learning.


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Last Update: 2013-04-24