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Multi-Classifier Ensemble Based on Random Feature Subspace(PDF)


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Multi-Classifier Ensemble Based on Random Feature Subspace
Ye YunlongYang Ming
School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
random sub- space classifier ensemb le re-samp ling
In th is paper, we propose an ensemb le algorithm ca lled RFSEn wh ich is based on random feature subspace. First, an appropriate fea ture subset size is se lected, then subsets of features are random ly and pro jected on the training set, and the pr im ary classifiers o f subspace are obta ined, and thus ensem bled c lassifiers are fo rm ed w ith these prim ary classifiers. A t last, w e use the ensem bled c lassifie r to c lassify the tex t.W e com pare the a lgo rithm w ith bagg ing a lgo rithm wh ich is based on re-sam pling techn iques and sing le c lassifier on the standard datasets. The resu lts show that RFSEn a-l gor ithm is not on ly superior to s ing le c lassifier in perform ance, bu t better than bagg ing a lgor ithm in some deg ree.


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Last Update: 2013-04-24