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Research of Edge Detection for Marine Phytoplankton Based on Mathematical Morphology(PDF)


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Research of Edge Detection for Marine Phytoplankton Based on Mathematical Morphology
Nie WenYang ChenhuiChen Cheng
School of Information Science and Technology,Xiamen University,Xiamen 361005,China
m arine phytoplankton iterative ar ithm etic m athem atical mo rpho logy edge detec tion
The trad itiona l edge detection operato rs cannot detect the exact edg e o fm ar ine phytoplankton ce lls because o f the re lative ly large impact o f no ise, hence, it is not su itab le for ana lyzing the shape of ce lls. This paper, based on the characteristics o f the or ig ina l im ages o f m arine phy top lankton, has proposed a new m ethod wh ich com bines iterative arithm etic, ma them a tica lm orpho logy, sim ilar XOR and S inga-l pixe l co rrosion, and therefore, can detect the edg em ore accura tely. The tria l of V isua lC+ + 6. 0 has prov ed tha t the edge detection algor ithm in th is pape r is not on ly strong ly res istant to no ise, but a lso h ighly precise, continuous, and clear, while com pared w ith the trad itiona l edge detection opera tors


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Last Update: 2013-04-24