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Non-fragile H Control for Fuzzy Neutral Delay Systems(PDF)


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Non-fragile H Control for Fuzzy Neutral Delay Systems
Feng Chunmei
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
fuzzy system s neutra l de lay system s non- frag ile control H control linear ma tr ix inequality
In this paper, the prob lem o f non- frag ile state- feedbackH contro ller design fo r a c lass of T- S fuzzy neutral de lay system s is studied. Conditions for the ex istence of desired contro llers are obta ined in term s of linearm atr ix inequa-l ities ( LM Is). On the basis o f these cond itions, a design m ethod is deve loped. The g iven LM Is can be so lved by using M a tlab LM I contro l toolbox. The des igned non- frag ile contro ller guaran tees that the c losed- loop system is asym ptotica lly stable and sa tisfies a presc ribedH pe rfo rm ance for all adm issible uncerta inties. The e ffectiveness of the proposed des ign m ethod is demonstrated by num eral exam ples, and simu lation results prov ided fina lly.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23