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A Testing System for Optical Fiber Connector End Surface Based on Microscopic Interferometry(PDF)


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A Testing System for Optical Fiber Connector End Surface Based on Microscopic Interferometry
Li LuWang Ming
School of Physical Science and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
optical fiber connecto r m icroscopic interferom etry m irau inte rference objectiv e phase-shifting interference
phase extracting
This paper in troduces a testing sy stem fo r optica l fiber connecto r end sur face based on m icroscopic in terferome
try. The interferom ete r consists of aM irau inte rference objective and a tube lens. A CCD came ra captures the interferog
rams to ge t the phase distribution. The carre a lgo rithm is adopted to ex trac t a lgo rithm, so the de term inate step size o f
phase- stepp ingm e thod is unnecessary. This me thod can obta in geom etr ica l param ete rs o f the optical fiber connec to r end
surface such as surface topog raphy, rad ius of curvature and apex d isp lacem ent. The resu lt shows that the late ra l reso lution
is 0.9μm and the vertica l repeatability is 9. 5 nm o f them easurem en t system.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23