Experimental Study on Photo Catalytic Degradation of Nitro-C Acid Wastewater(PDF)
- Issue:
- 2009年02期
- Page:
- 56-60
- Research Field:
- Publishing date:
- Title:
- Experimental Study on Photo Catalytic Degradation of Nitro-C Acid Wastewater
- Author(s):
- Cao Jinli; Wang Yuping; Peng Panying
- School of Chemistry and Environmental Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
- Keywords:
- n itro-C ac id w astew ate r; pho to cata ly tic deg radation; T iO2
- X132
- DOI:
- -
- Abstract:
- Pho tocata lys is deg radations o f n itro-C ac id w astew ater and the n itro-C acid w astew ater afte r pretreatm ent were stud ied by T iO2-P25 as photo cata lyst and a 250W m ercury lamp o f h igh pressure as light source. The effec ts of initial chem ica l oxygen dem and ( COD) and acidity, initial pH, and the am ount o fT iO 2-P25 and add itional ox idant amoun t on the rem ova l effic iency o f o rganic o f so lution w ere investigated, and the results showed tha t these factors had a great influence on the rem oval e fficiency of o rganic of solution. The remova l e ffic iency of n itro-C acid underUV- light illum ina ted 4 h is 41. 3% w ith initial COD o f 2 050mg /L, ac id ity o f 31. 2 g /L, pH o f 0. 26, K2 S2O8 do sage o f 0. 5 g, T iO 2-P25 dosage o f 0. 3 g /150mL, and the rem ova l e ffic iency o f n itro-C ac id afte r pre treatm ent underUV- light illum inated 4 h com es to 68. 4% w ith 518 mg /L of in itia l COD, 26. 5 g /L of ac id ity, 0. 75 of in itia l pH, when T iO 2-P25 dosage is 0. 3 g / 150mL.
Last Update: 2013-04-23