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Measurement of Thermalphysical Properties of Thermal Storage Materials With an Adiabatic Water Bath Calorimeter(PDF)


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Measurement of Thermalphysical Properties of Thermal Storage Materials With an Adiabatic Water Bath Calorimeter
Zhang YiWeng WenLiu JiaWang Kuan
School of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
w ater ba th calor ime ter therm a lphysical properties accuracy ca libra tion
An adiabatic wa ter bath ca lor im eter w as construc ted to m easure spec ific heat and fus ion heat of m a terials. M odels and expe rim ental me thod w ere prov ided to calibrate param e ters and accuracy o f the ca lo rim ete r. H eat capac ity, stirring pow er and heat release of the ca lo rim ete rw ere calibrated by exper im ents. Spec ific heats o f coppe r and w ate r at three temperatures, and fus ion heats o f ice and pa ra ffin w erem easured by the ca lo rim eter. Resu lts g iven by the ca lor ime ter go w ellw ith reference va lues. The calor ime ter prov ides a convenient m ethod and accurate expe rim en tal resu lts for m easurement o f therm alphysica l prope rties o f therm a l energy storagem ate rials.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23