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Research of Embeded JPEG2000 Video and Image Compression System(PDF)


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Research of Embeded JPEG2000 Video and Image Compression System
Liu Guojin1Shi Bin1Wang Jisheng2Zhu Xiaoshu1
1.Analysis and Testing Center of Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China;2.Department of Information Techonology,Qiongtai Normal College,Haikou 571127,China
v ideo com pression JPEG2000 ADV212 em bedded system
Th is paper br iefly introduces them a in v ideo com pression standards, then compares the advantages and d isad vantages o f JPEG2000 w ith tha t of other standards. The cod ing techn iques used in JPEG2000 are a lso presented. The paper proposes tha t JPEG2000 app lied in v ideo compression, and g ives a hardware and so ftw are design of em bedded system. Test result show s that the qua lity of an im age recovered from compressed video is satisfactorywhen compression ra tio is 41. Com bining decim ating and inserting fram es, this system can be used in h igh qua lity im ag e surve illance, and so on.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23