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Test and Analysis of Transient Conduction Immunity for Automobile Load Dump on the TPMS(PDF)


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Test and Analysis of Transient Conduction Immunity for Automobile Load Dump on the TPMS
Huang Xuejun1Sun Chengming1Chen Fumin2Tao Qi2
1.Suzhou 3cTest Co.Ltd,Suzhou 215011,China;2.Henan Tianhai Technology Co.Ltd,Zhengzhou 450001,China
autom otive e lectronics tire pressure de tection system electrom agne tic imm un ity
A ccording to the standa rd 3GB /T2143712 idt ISO76371 2 E lectrical transien t conduction a long supply lines on ly4, the pr inciple o f trans ient conduction immunity test fo r autom obile load dump on TPM S w ith 5a /5b pulse was proposed. The c ircuit character izations of positive tem pe ra ture coeffic ient ( PTC ) rese ttable fuse and transien t vo ltage suppresso r ( TVS) w ere analyzed, and the optim ized circu its of equ ipm ent under test ( EUT) we re designed. Exper im ent resu lts show that the ability to conduct pulse interference to lerance fo rTPMS cou ld be im proved by em ploy ing the suggested optim ized design.


[ 1] 中国汽车技术研究中心. GB /T 214371 1- 2008 IDT ISO 7637- 1: 2004 道路车辆) ) ) 由传导和耦合引起的电骚扰第1 部分: 定义和一般描述[ S]. 北京: 中国标准出版社, 2008. China Au tom otive Techno logy Research C enter. GB /T 21437. 1- 2008 IDT ISO 7637- 1: 2004, Road vehic les- caused by the electr ica l conduction and coupling harassm ent Pa rt I: De fin ition and general description[ S] . B eijing: Standards Press o f Ch-ina, 2008. ( in Chinese)
[ 2] 中国汽车技术研究中心. GB /T 214371 2- 2008 IDT ISO 7637- 2: 2004 道路车辆) ) ) 由传导和耦合引起的电骚扰第2 部分: 沿电源线的电瞬态传导[ S]. 北京: 中国标准出版社, 2008. China Autom otiveT echno logy Research Cente r. GB /T 21437. 2- 2008 IDT ISO 7637- 2: 2004, Road veh icles- caused by the electr ica l conduction and coup ling harassm ent Part II: A long the power line transient e lectr ica l conduction[ S]. Beijing: Standards Press of Ch ina, 2008. ( in Chinese)


Last Update: 2013-04-02