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Engineering Approaches to Implementation of Trusted Security System(PDF)


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Engineering Approaches to Implementation of Trusted Security System
Shen LinglingSheng HehuaQian Gang
Department of Management Science and Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
trusted secur ity trusted security eng ineer ingm ode l im plem entation approach
Th is paper analyzes the problem s o f how to establish trusted secur ity system, and g ives the reasons o f leading eng ineer ing and system aticm e thod into the fu ll life-cycle o f trusted security system. On th is basis, w e propose a pro cessbased m ode l for trusted secur ity system and approaches to Im plem entation trusted security baseline under the gu idance o f the mode l. Trusted secur ity eng inee ring appro ach is usefully d iscussed at last


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Last Update: 2013-04-02