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Health Assessment to the Hu-Ning Line Information Technology Industry Belt(PDF)


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Health Assessment to the Hu-Ning Line Information Technology Industry Belt
Zhang Jie12Chen Dongxia1
1.School of Computer Science and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China;2.Zhongbei College,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China;3.Jiangsu Research Center of Information Security and Confidentical Engineering,Nanjing 210097,Chi
H u-N ing line info rma tion industry be lt hea lth cond ition o f ecosystem carry ing capac ity
Based on re lative concepts in troduced from O rganization Eco logy, th is pape rm akes an appra isa l on the hea lth cond ition ofH u-N ing inform ation belt during the  11th F ive-Year P lan pe riod. Th is leads to two find ing s. In the first p lace, the Hu-N ing L ine Inform ation Industry be ltm ade a lo t of prog ress in the good econom ica l env ironm ent during the per iod from 2005 to 2007. In the second place from 2008 to 2009, w ith the econom ic cr isis rag ing a ll over thewo rld, the be lts’ ecosystem health condition indexes dropped greatly. In a ll these indexes, ca rry ing capac ity of ecosystem and system atical recov ery capacity w ere the tw o factors that w erem ostly a ffected.


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Last Update: 2013-04-02