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H/L2-L Control for Fuzzy Delayed Systems(PDF)


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H/L2-L Control for Fuzzy Delayed Systems
Yu WeihongLu JunweiFeng Chunmei
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
( T-S) fuzzy model approachH/L2-Lcontroldelay s linearm atrix inequa lity
Th is paper investigates the problem of H/L2-Lcontrol for a c lass of fuzzy de layed system s v ia Takag-i Sugeno ( T-S) fuzzy m ode l approach. In term o f linearm atrix inequa lities ( LM Is), som e su fficient cond itions are g iven for the ex istence of theH/L2-Lcontro llers, and the desired contro llers are construc ted.


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Last Update: 2013-04-02