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Analysis of Pulse Detonation Engines With Different Convergent Nozzles(PDF)


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Analysis of Pulse Detonation Engines With Different Convergent Nozzles
Wang YanyanWeng Chunsheng
National Key Lab of Transient Physics,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China
pu lse detonation eng ine converg ent no zzle convergent nozzle ang le leng th of convergent nozzles the impu lse of PDE
To eva luate the propu lsive perform ance o f Pu lse Detonation Eng ine( PDE) w ith d ifferen t convergent nozzles, the Eu la r equation is bu ilt and so lved w ith CE /SE m ethod. The resu lts o f num erical sim ulation of series of nozzles ind-i ca te that the converg ent nozzles have an sign ificant effect on the interna l flow field o f PDE, and that com pa red w ith PDE w ithout nozzle, the one w ith converg ent nozzle in a ang le less than 8bprov ides h igher im pu lse and ave rage thrust. For a sm a ller ang le conv ergent no zzle, the increas ing leng th o f nozzle leads to an augm enta tion on the av erage thrust of PDE, wh ile fo r a larg er one, the averag e thrust increases first and then reduces w ith the increas ing leng th. Therefore, a ll resu lts here prov ide som e helpful theo ry gu ide and re ference for the nozzle design of PDE.


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Last Update: 2013-04-02