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Water Environmental Quality Evaluation and Trend Analysis Based on Multivariate Statistical Analysis(PDF)


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Water Environmental Quality Evaluation and Trend Analysis Based on Multivariate Statistical Analysis
Jiang Tongbin1Li Jiling2
1.School of Mathematics and Physics,Huaiyin Institute of Technology,Huaian 223001,China;2.Department of Information Technology,Jiangsu Vocational and Technical Institute,Nanjing 211168,China
factor ana lys is c luster ana lysis var iance analysis w ater qua lity eva luation rank correlation
Through factor analysis, the pr incipa l componen tsw hich m a in ly affect the wa ter quality are ob tained; Thew ater quality of sam ples a re class ified by using c luste r ana ly sis m ethod, the w ater qua lity o f each samp les are evalua ted based on the c lassification resu lts; W a ter po llution trend is ana lysed w ith rank corre la tion coeffic ient test. By app ly ing the above m ethod, w ater quality of Hua ihe r iver in H ua i. an area from 2006 to 2007 is eva luated, and w ater pollution trend is ana lyzed. The research result dem onstrate that the factors a ffecting water qua lity o fH ua ihe R iver areNH4 - N 、 TN、CODC r 、CODMn& DO in order. W a ter qua lity o fH ua ihe river in H ua ia’n area is becom ing good.


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Last Update: 2013-04-02