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Design and Application of Remote Real-time Monitoring System for Geographical Field Internship(PDF)


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Design and Application of Remote Real-time Monitoring System for Geographical Field Internship
Deng YaoYe Chun
School of Geography Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
GPS GPRS G IS rea-l tim em onitor ing fie ld geog raphy teach ing internsh ips
A rem ote rea-l timem onito ring hardwa re and so ftw are integration system w hich is su itab le fo r geog raph ica l fie ld internsh ip w as dev eloped by comb ining the mob ile GIS techno logy, GPS techno logy, mob ile commun ica tion techno logy and the Internet, and th is system was used fo r application in Lushan geographical fie ld teach ing internsh ip. The system is equ ipped w ith e lec tron ic map used for website broadcasting, and this system can d isp lay inte rns. positions and traces in rea-l tim e and realize a que ry of inte rns. history traces. The sy stem not on ly facilita tesm onitor ing and manag ing staffs in geography internsh ips, but a lso improv es internsh ips. effect and quality.


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Last Update: 2013-04-02