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Study on the Method of Comparing Circular Interpolation Spot by Spot Based on the Method of Symbol Distinguish(PDF)


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Study on the Method of Comparing Circular Interpolation Spot by Spot Based on the Method of Symbol Distinguish
Kong YiminLing XiuzeXu Yinlin
School of Physics and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
CNCCircular interpolationmethod of symbol distinguish
Interpolation technology is the core technology of machine tool’s CNC system. The most common algorithm is the method of comparing spot by spot. The inadequacies of the current method is that,the feed direction is determined by many factors in the process of writing,many conditional statements are needed to achieve that. It is hard to program by this way and the readability of the program is poor. The paper derives the formula of the method of comparing circular interpolation spot by spot based on the method of symbol distinguish. On this basis,the paper attempts to improve the method of comparing spot by spot,and derives the formula of the improved method of symbol distinguish. The whole interpolation process becomes smoother by the method of adding a flag variable. The algorithm program is designed to be simple and short program run-time features and effectively improve the computation precision and efficiency.


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Last Update: 2013-03-11