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Trust Based Selecting Model for Cloud Service Providers(PDF)


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Trust Based Selecting Model for Cloud Service Providers
Zhang PengchengZhai Yuqing
School of Computer Science and Engineering,Southeast University,Nanjing 211189,China
trustcloud service providersselection
Cloud computing provides users with resources as a service.With requirements of users increasingly complex,only one service provider may not be able to provide required resources.So it needs to choose an appropriate service provider as a partner.From a trust perspective,we first analyse and apprase history score of the cloud service provider subject to the Dirichlet distribution,then take into account the accumulates of trust relationship.We not only use the interaction scores itself,but also the relationship between the interaction scores to computer the trust value and stable value of cloud service providers,then we build a selecting model based on trust for cloud service providers.Ultimately they provide the basis for the choice of suitable partners.The experiments show that the model in this article is valid to some extent.


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Last Update: 2013-06-30