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Load Demand by Considering the Free Charge of Electric Vehicles(PDF)


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Load Demand by Considering the Free Charge of Electric Vehicles
Tan LijuanZhao CaihongLiu LiLi JingYang Lei
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
electric vehiclesload demandMonte Carlo method
After large-scale application of electric vehicles,the charging power requirements of them will have a huge impact on the original grid load.The charging powers of different types of electric vehicles are analyzed in this paper.The charging loads of electric vehicles are calculated by extracting the start charging time and the day mileage using the Monte Carlo method,then the charging load curves of many electric vehicles are given.Taking the daily load curve of a city during a certain summer day for an example,the impacts of power demand of electric vehicles on different scales on original load curve are calculated.The results show that the free charging characteristics of electric vehicles give rise to an increase in the peak load of the grid to some extent.


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Last Update: 2014-03-31