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Automatical Execution of Clinical Practice Guidelines:An ASP Approach(PDF)


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Automatical Execution of Clinical Practice Guidelines:An ASP Approach
Huang JiaoZhang Zhizheng
School of Computer Science and Engineering,Southeast University,Nanjing 211189,China
clinical practice guidelinesdecision-support systemslogic programknowledge representation
Clinical practice guidelines(CPGs),are defined as systematically developed statesments to assist physician and patient in making decisions about appropriate health care for specific circumstances. However,these paper-based guidelines are particularly difficult to be applied into real environment. How to realize the automatical execution of guidelines has become a research focus of clinical decision support. Computer-interpretable guideline modeling language is the key point in these researches. Intuitive semantics will facilitate the users to model CPGs in the language,and elaboration tolerance is required to faciliate the update of the models. In this paper,we present a precise definition of the clinical treatment based on a guideline model SDA* and transform it into a logic programming intuitively.


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Last Update: 2015-06-20