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Underlying Polygon Optimization in Three Dimensional Printing(PDF)


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Underlying Polygon Optimization in Three Dimensional Printing
Li MengSong ChunyuGu JingpingWang QiongLiu Qing
School of Computer Science and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China
three dimension printingsmooth operationpolygon simplificationhermrite curve and B-splinediscrete
The polygon which is used in the underlying digital model in?the?field?of Three Dimension Printing has many problems,such as data redundancy and rough shape. These problems lead to the inefficiency of the product,and the surface model is not smooth. The existing optimization algorithm does not consider the problem of processing instructions and smooth operation. To solve these problems,this paper presents a new polygon optimization algorithm,by using polygon simplification algorithm based on the rule of minimum area to reduce the number of vertices of polygons,and spline polygon based on Hermrite curve and B-spline to make polygon boundary becomes smooth. Then this algorithm can also discrete polygon vertices,make it easier to process. Experimental results show that this algorithm can improve the quality of underlying polygons and satisfy engineering requirements.


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Last Update: 2016-09-30