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Energy-Efficient Scheduling Algorithm for Real-TimeTasks in Cloud Data Center(PDF)


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Energy-Efficient Scheduling Algorithm for Real-TimeTasks in Cloud Data Center
Bao WenyanZhang YinjuanLi ChenLi Yun
College of Information Engineering,Yangzhou University,Yangzhou 225127,China
cloud data centerreal-time tasksslack time of tasksenergy-efficient scheduling
In this paper,we study the problem of energy-efficient scheduling for real-time tasks. A task scheduling algorithm based on the slack time of tasks is designed. Three components of the algorithm are the distribution of real-time tasks,dynamically expanding virtual machine resource and integration of virtual machine resource. By computing the slack time of tasks,tasks can be completed within the deadline to ensure the timeliness of the task. With a multi-threshold-based virtual machine integration strategy,the system load is balanced and energy consumption of the system to complete the task set is reduced. Experiments show that,comparing with two other scheduling algorithms,the algorithm in this paper ensures that tasks can be completed on time,and energy consumption of the system can be efficiently reduced.


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Last Update: 2016-09-30