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Study on Efficiency Optimization of Point-Cluster DisplacementAlgorithm Based on Voronoi Diagram(PDF)


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Study on Efficiency Optimization of Point-Cluster DisplacementAlgorithm Based on Voronoi Diagram
Wang Menghe1Yang Shuai23Zhang Pengtao23Shen Jie23
(1.Nanjing Institute of Surveying,Mapping & Geotechnical Investigation,Co.,Ltd.,Nanjing 210019,China)(2.School of Geography Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)(3.Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment,Ministry of Educat
displacement algorithmalgorithm optimizationpoint-clusterVoronoi
Point-cluster displacement algorithms are significant parts of map generalization algorithms and they can solve the spatial conflicts caused by scaling and symbolization among features. However,due to the low efficiency of the existing point-cluster displacement algorithms,it is difficult to meet the requirement of fast mapping. In this paper,based on the analysis of the efficiency of the existing point-cluster displacement algorithms,we choose the point-cluster displacement algorithm based on Voronoi diagram and optimize its efficiency from the aspects of algorithm level and code level. Experimental results show that the proposed optimization method can improve the efficiency of the point-cluster displacement algorithm based on Voronoi diagram while maintaining the availability of the result by displacement algorithm.


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Last Update: 2016-12-31