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Structure Optimization of Bag Filter Based on Inner Gas-Solid Phase Flow(PDF)


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Structure Optimization of Bag Filter Based on Inner Gas-Solid Phase Flow
Lu YongxiangCai JieWang YunjunHuang Wanglai
School of Energy and Mechanical Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
bag-filternumerical simulationgas-solid phase flowgas flow
The distribution of the inner flow field can directly influence the service life of the filter bag and the dust removal efficiency. In the light of these existing problems that the internal flow field distribution in bag filter is not uniform and the flue gas flow rate at the bottom of the filter bag is too high,the numerical simulation of filter internal gas-solid two-phase flow field is carried out by using computational fluid dynamics method. Simulation results indicate that the uniformity of flow field distribution in the bag filter can be improved by ring filter bag arrangement and 5 guide plates layout,meanwhile significantly reduce the intensity of the particle impact on filter bag bottom,and the conclusions provide a theoretical basis for the optimal structure design of bag filter.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01