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Dynamic Collaborative Filtering Algorithm FusingItem Clustering and Time Weight(PDF)


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Dynamic Collaborative Filtering Algorithm FusingItem Clustering and Time Weight
Wu Jiawei1Shen Lingling12Qian Gang1
(1.School of Computer Science and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China)(2.School of Business,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China)
collaborative filteringrecommender systemclass preferencesimilaritytime weight
The traditional item-based collaborative filtering algorithm calculates item-item similarity offline and improves the real-time performance of recommender system,but the big data sparsity problem still impacts the quality of the algorithm and it also ignores the phenomenon that users’ interests change over time. To address the issues above,this paper proposes a dynamic collaborative filtering algorithm fusing item clustering and time weight. The proposed algorithm first clusters items according to the user’s preference,then finds out candidate neighbors who are similar to the target item in class preference. Then it searches for nearest neighbors in the candidate neighbor set,which eliminates the interference of the items those have few co-ratings with the target item. At the same time,this algorithm introduces time weight to reflect the change of users’ interests over time,which improves recommendation quality from the overall. Experimental results based on MovieLens dataset show that the recommendation quality of the new algorithm is significantly improved compared with traditional item-based collaborative filtering algorithm and user-based collaborative filtering algorithm.


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Last Update: 2017-09-30