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Transient Simulation and Analysis of ElectrostaticDischarge Pulse Electromagnetic Field(PDF)


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Transient Simulation and Analysis of ElectrostaticDischarge Pulse Electromagnetic Field
Wan Yi1Zhang Hanwen2Yan Wei3Wang Zhuang3
(1.Jiangsu Institute of Medical Device Testing,Nanjing 210019,China)(2.Nanjing Zhonghua High School,Nanjing 210019,China)(3.School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China)
electrostatic dischargeradiation interferenceelectromagnetic compatibility
TM461; TN03
The structure of electronic circuits is becoming more and more complex and a large number of passive devices which are easy to receive interference from outside the EMS interference signal are integrated in each module of PCB. In general,people focus their attentions on the low-frequency and middle-frequency signal directly into the device through the conduction coupling crosstalk,but ignore the high frequency characteristic of the EMS interference that apply to the module by the space magnetic field in the near field. In this paper,by simulating the electrostatic discharge(ESD)pulsed electromagnetic field,the radiation interference caused by the complex passive modules on the PCB board circuit in the near field is analyzed. And the field generated by the surroundings of the passive module is simulated and the signal intensity distribution in the time domain is derived.


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Last Update: 2017-12-30