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Research on Micro Inertial Positioning SystemBased on Adaptive Zero Velocity Updating(PDF)


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Research on Micro Inertial Positioning SystemBased on Adaptive Zero Velocity Updating
Wang YuntaoQian WeixingXu HaoZheng TingtingSong Tianwei
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
MIMUzero velocity updatinggait phase detectionKalman filter
Aiming at the problem that drifts error of micro inertial sensors under the condition of GNSS failure,a zero velocity updating algorithm is proposed to construct a filter model based on velocity information for observation,so as to improve the positioning accuracy. The paper describes the pedestrian gait characteristics. Based on the analysis of pedestrian gait,a zero-velocity detection algorithm with multi-condition constraints is designed by using the acceleration measurement variance,acceleration measurement amplitude and angular velocity measurement energy as measurements,and the adaptive threshold is set for different indoor and outdoor environment. On this basis,a Kalman filter with velocity information is established to estimate and correct the attitude,velocity and position error at zero speed. The experimental results show that the localization correction algorithm can effectively enhance the reliability of zero velocity detection and suppress the accumulation of positioning error,and that the accuracy of the positioning is 1.32% of the travel distance.


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Last Update: 2017-12-30