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Bee-Behaved Colony Quantum-Inspired Evolutionary Algorithm(PDF)


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Bee-Behaved Colony Quantum-Inspired Evolutionary Algorithm
Liu ZhenLiu Wenbiao
College of Coastal Defense Force,Naval Aeronautical University,Yantai 264001,China
quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithmbee colonychaosmutationrotation
In order to promote the convergence precision and speed of quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithm,a new bee-behaved quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithm is proposed based on the framework of ABC algorithm. The whole population can be encoded with phase and can be divided into three populations,which are named as quantum employed population,quantum onlooker population and quantum scout population. Every sub-population can work in term of bee behaviors,quantum employed population perform the chaos search and the quantum onlooker population can perform the Cauchy mutation. Every individual in the population can be rotated in two steps,and dynamic mutation operation can also act on every individual. Simulation results of benchmark functions show that the proposed algorithm performs well on most of functions and can get better convergence results.


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Last Update: 2018-06-30