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City Logistics Distribution Region Division and PathOptimization with Time Windows(PDF)


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City Logistics Distribution Region Division and PathOptimization with Time Windows
He Mengjun1Wu Huaigang1Ding Xiang2
(1.School of Computer Science and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)(2.School of Government,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093,China)
distribution region divisionpath optimizationtime windowsaffinity propagation
TP301.6; F252
How to send B2C and O2O packages to customers with short time and fewer resources in city logistics has become an urgent problem in logistics management. In this paper,we take the shortest delivery time as our goal,and build nonlinear mathematical programming model of the last mile with time windows. To solve this NP-hard problem,three-stage heuristic algorithm is designed. Firstly,an improved affinity propagation algorithm is used to realize the division of distribution,which fully takes the relationship between distribution points into consideration. Then,we merge orders with higher similarities in the same region. Finally, shortest paths are planned to establish a complete logistics distribution system. Through case analyses,the validity of the model is verified. The result shows that three-stage heuristic algorithm does better in reducing order completion time and waiting time,and in improving resource utilization than traditional two-stage delivery models.


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Last Update: 2018-06-30