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Fault Localization Approach-Based Testing for Message Races(PDF)


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Fault Localization Approach-Based Testing for Message Races
Zeng Yi
School of Computer Science and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China
concurrentnon-deterministicfault localizationmessage race
A fault localization method,which combines the program spectrum with the Delta debugging strategy,is proposed to solve the problem on the non-deterministic failure caused by the message race which is difficult to capture,reproduce,and accurately locate. This method first builds a concurrent program execution model,defines the non-deterministic execution path with the synchronous sequence,and turns it into a concise message race sequence. Secondly,it collects and compares the difference of the message race sequence between the correct test execution and the error execution,reduces the fault search space,and obtains the initial fault set. In the end,for every failure in the initial fault set,the Delta debug strategy is used to design and run a set of additional tests to locate the root of the fault gradually. Preliminary experimental results show the effectiveness and feasibility of our method in locating non-deterministic failures for message passing programs.


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Last Update: 2018-12-30