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Research of Electromagnetic Field Transmission Characteristicsof Electrical Wireless Network(PDF)


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Research of Electromagnetic Field Transmission Characteristicsof Electrical Wireless Network
Qian Junxia1Yang Chengpan2Wang Liang1Liu Quan2Yan Wei2
(1.Jiangsu Keneng Power Engineering Consulting Co.,Ltd.,Nanjing 211102,China)(2.School of NARI Electrical and Automation,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)
substation wireless 4Gelectromagnetic field transmission characteristicsdipole antennasignal strength
In view of the communication problems in the construction of intelligent substation of State Grid,the research on electrical wireless network is very important. We analyze wireless 4G electromagnetic field transmission characteristics to better grasp the scope of wireless 4G transmission and transmission characteristics,and to better solve the transmission interference problems. In this paper,rigorous theoretical analysis and simulation of the radiation characteristics of the antenna provide the necessary prerequisites for further understanding of the electromagnetic radiation characteristics of the antenna in practice.


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Last Update: 2019-12-31