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Disturbance Observer-Based Tracking Control forNonlinear Systems with Input Delay(PDF)


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Disturbance Observer-Based Tracking Control forNonlinear Systems with Input Delay
Qi XiaojingLiu Wenhui
School of NARI Electrical and Automation,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China
disturbance observerinput delayexternal disturbancebacksteppingtracking control
This paper studies tracking control problem of a class of single input single output nonlinear systems with input delay and unknown external disturbances. First,a disturbance observer is designed to deal with the unknown disturbances. Then,pade approximation method and intermediate variable are introduced to eliminate the effects of the input delay. By using the backstepping technique and disturbance observer,we propose the tracking control scheme for the nonlinear systems with unknown external disturbances. Under the designed tracking control scheme based on the Lyapunov method,it is proved that all the signals in the closed-loop system are uniformly asymptotic convergence. Finally,a simulation example is given to verify the effectiveness of the proposed control method.


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Last Update: 2020-03-15