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Organic Contaminated Soils Based on Web of Science(PDF)


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Organic Contaminated Soils Based on Web of Science
Zhang Xuewei1Wang Jiayi1Chen Dandan123
(1.School of Energy and Mechanical Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)(2.School of Energy and Environment,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China)(3.China Construction Power and Environment Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Nanjing 210017,China)
soilorganic pollutionremediationeconometric analysisvisual analysis
The current status of research in the field of organic contaminated soils is analyzed. Based on the Web of ScienceTM(WOS)core collection database and its own analysis tools,the results are analyzed by using HistCite,VOSviewer and Origin9.1. The main aspects of these research papers(2010-2019)are analyzed,including the top 10 countries,authors,institutions,journals,top 10 hot research directions,top 10 highly cited papers and domestic and foreign research hotspots. According to the research results,China,the United States,India and Spain have more researches in this field. Three authors in China have a high volume of publications in this field. The top 3 major research institutions are the Chinese Academy of Sciences,CSIC,and Zhejiang University. Articles in this field have been mainly published in journals of environmental field,i.e.,Chemosphere,Journal of Hazardous Materials,Environmental Science & Technology,and Science of The Total Environment. The major subjects involved are Environmental Sciences,Biotechnology Applied Micro-biology,and Engineering Environmental science. The major repair technologies include Phytoremediation,Bioremediation,Chemical oxidation and other methods. Researchers in China have done a lot of work on the oxidative degradation of organic pollution. The detailed statistics to the research papers in the field of soil organic pollution remediation technology is analyzed in this paper,which is helpful to understand the current research hotspots in this field and predict future development trends.


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Last Update: 2020-12-15