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Research on Test and Evaluation Method of Unmanned SystemMulti-Modal Vision Sensor Unit(PDF)


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Research on Test and Evaluation Method of Unmanned SystemMulti-Modal Vision Sensor Unit
Wang Wei1Liu Haichun23Li Yang2Zheng Guoqiang2Pei Ling23Wang Liping4
(1.Beijing Special Vehicle Institue,Beijing 100072,China)(2.Shanghai Beidou Navigation Innovation Research Institute,Shanghai 201702,China)(3.Shanghai Key Laboratory of Navigation and Location Based Services,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240,China)(4.Millitary Unit 32381,Beijing 100000,China)
testevaluationmulti-spectrumstereo-visiontime synchronization
A universal method is proposed for testing and evaluating a multi-modal vision perception platform for unmanned systems based on vision sensors,and dynamic ranging experiments and complex optical variable ranging experiments under the visible and infrared light bands are studied. Time synchronization technology based on the real-time time service of Beidou satellite and accurate true value acquisition equipment are used in the test process,so that the time-stamped measurement data given by the unmanned system multi-modal vision perception unit and the time-stamped true values available for ranging performance evaluation are taken as the premise that the time synchronization errors between different devices are less than 10 ms. Finally,the measurement data and true value data are compared,and a quantitative evaluation of the performance and function of the test equipment are given. The experimental results show that the test and evaluation method effectively obtains the true value and synchronizes the time,which meets the actual needs and which can be popularized.


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Last Update: 2021-03-15