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Review of Research on Reinforcement Learning in Few-Shot Scenes(PDF)


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Review of Research on Reinforcement Learning in Few-Shot Scenes
Wang Zhechao123Fu Qiming123Chen Jianping23Hu Fuyuan123Lu You123Wu Hongjie123
(1.School of Electronic and Information Engineering,Suzhou University of Science and Technology,Suzhou 215009,China)(2.Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Building Intelligence and Energy Saving,Suzhou University of Science and Technology,Suzhou 215009,China)(3.Suzhou Key Laboratory of Mobile Networking and Applied Technologies,Suzhou University of Science and Technology,Suzhou 215009,China)
reinforcement learningfew-shot learningmeta-learningtransfer learninglifelong learningknowledge generalization
According to the background of the few-shot problem,this paper divides few-shot scenes into two types. The first type of scenes pursues more professional performance,while the other pursues more general performance. In the process of knowledge generalization,different scenes have obvious tendency to the requirement of knowledge carrier. Because of the discovery,the FSL is divided into two types in terms of knowledge carrier,where one type uses procedural knowledge and the other uses declarative knowledge. Then FS-RL algorithms under this classification are discussed. Finally,the possible development direction is proposed from the theory and the application,hoping to provide insights to following research.


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Last Update: 2022-03-15