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Steam Prediction of Central Air Conditioning Based on Hybrid Deep-learning Model(PDF)


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Steam Prediction of Central Air Conditioning Based on Hybrid Deep-learning Model
Wang Ke1Lu Huanda2Zheng Junhong1He Lili1
(1.School of Information Science and Technology,Zhejiang Sci-Tech University,Hangzhou 310018,China)(2.School of Computer and Data Engineering,NingboTech University,Ningbo 315100,China)
air conditioning steam consumptionconvolutions over volumesPredRNN++GRUspatial feature
In order to solve the steam consumption prediction problem of several large central air-conditioning units,a hybrid deep-learning prediction model based on GRU and 3DConv-PredRNN++ is proposed. Aiming at the dynamic linkage relationship of multiple air conditioning units,the relationship between steam consumption of units is extracted by convolutions over volumes and PredRNN++method,which is used as a feature of spatial factors to participate in model prediction. In order to capture the overall trend and local variation of the steam consumption series, smooth process model,trend model and periodic model are used as model inputs in the data set. In order to improve the prediction performance of the model,a GRU is used to combine the external factor features and capture the temporal factor features. Finally,the model is constructed by parameter matrix fusion. Through comparison experiments with various prediction models,it is proved that the prediction accuracy of the model is superior and that it is necessary to extract spatial factors to participate in model prediction. Compared with the current model,the average standard energy consumption of this model is reduced by 60.09%.


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Last Update: 2022-09-15