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Shorten Special-spectral Parallel Bidirectional RNN for Hyperspectral Agricultural Image Classification(PDF)


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Shorten Special-spectral Parallel Bidirectional RNN for Hyperspectral Agricultural Image Classification
Wang Maofa1Feng Shichen1Huang Hongliang2Gong Qizhou3Wan Quan1Xu Zhi1
(1.Guangxi Key Laboratory of Trusted Software,Guilin University of Electronic Technology,Guilin 541004,China)
(2.Department of Mathematics,School of Science and Technology,University of Macau,Macau 999078,China)
(3.School of Applied Science,Beijing Information Science and Technology University,Beijing 100192,China)
deep learninggate recurrent unit(GRU)long short term mermory network(LSTM)recurrent neural networks(RNN)hyperspectral image classification
A method is proposed for HSI classification using shorten spatial-spectral parallel bidirectional RNN(St-SS-pBRNN). By combining multi-convolutional layers,it not only uses the frequency information of spectrum but also considers the spatial characteristics in the images,thereby obtaining better performance and effects. Meanwhile,a combined architecture of parallel gate recurrent unit(GRU)and bidirectional RNN is adopted,which shortens the sequence length of RNN and greatly reduces the amount of calculation of the model. In the comparative experiments of agricultural hyperspectral image classification,the performance of the algorithm is stable and accurate,and its accuracy is more than 2% higher than the optimal effect of the classical shorten spatial-spectral parallel GRU(St-SS-pGRU). It is expected to be popularized and applied in a wide range of agricultural land classification in China.


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Last Update: 2022-12-15