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Main-Side Chain Technology and Its Applications in Energy Internet(PDF)


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Main-Side Chain Technology and Its Applications in Energy Internet
Yu Wei1Hang Jingwen12Guo Jia1Ai Songpu3Liang Hong4Cao Junwei4
(1.State Grid Digital Technology Holding Co., Ltd., Beijing 100053, China)
(2.State Grid Blockchain Technology(Beijing)Co., Ltd., Beijing 100053, China)
(3.iF-Labs, Beijing Teleinfo Technology Co., Ltd., China Academy of Information and Communications Technology(CAICT), Beijing 100083, China)
(4.Beijing National Research Center for Information Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)
blockchain side-chain energy internet distributed systems
A review is conducted on the five modes of main-side chain technology including the detailed discussion on its application scenarios as well as their advantages and disadvantages. Considering the up-to-date trend and demands in the development, it is believed that the energy Internet is characterized by the distribution, the decentralization, the multi-energy coordination and the financial marketization which are consistent with the concepts of blockchain. Although existing studies in applications mainly focus on simple or single scenarios, it is necessary to discuss the interaction between various blockchains inside one scenario and between various scenarios to meet the information exchange needs. It is crucial to integrate side chain technology into the energy internet in order to satisfy the different data and service interactions among different roles, content, and layers in the energy internet. Two typical application scenarios is given as examples to demonstrate the specific application architecture of side-chain technology in the energy field.


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Last Update: 2023-09-15