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Research on the Simulation of Curling Competition Based on Pymunk(PDF)


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Research on the Simulation of Curling Competition Based on Pymunk
Liu GuojunZhou QiJin YeXiao Jingjie
(School of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China)
computer simulation curling Pymunk curling strategy system simulation design
Curling is a throwing sports competition on ice in teams. Because curling is greatly affected by factors such as the venue environment and temperature during the exercise, it is difficult and complicated to collect relevant data in the study of algorithm on curling strategies. Curling a Markov process with continuous action space, continuous state space and action execution uncertainty in mathematics leads to the fact that the algorithms must be researched and tested in a simulation environment before they are put into use. In order to facilitate the research of curling throwing strategy, we propose a simulation method of curling throwing, rotating, sliding and collision in curling sports based on the physics engine Pymunk. By entering the sliding speed and the angular speed, we can easily obtain the movement data of the curling after the throw. Compared with the data collected on site, the simulation system is proved to have the characteristics of collecting data conveniently and large collection volume, and can control the speed of both sides to throw the curling in real time to play the game of throwing strategy. The simulation results show that the simulation system is consistent with the expected analysis, and the simulation system is very close to the actual situation of curling.


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Last Update: 2023-09-15