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Retrieval of Images and Videos on the World Wide Web(PDF)


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Retrieval of Images and Videos on the World Wide Web
Zhu Lei
Institute of Communication Engineering, PLAUST, Nanjing 210007, PRC
tex-t based image process conten-t based image process image classification conten-t based retrieval
In this paper, a prototypical visual information system for searching for images and videos on the WorldWideWeb is proposed. In the prototype, images and videos are catalogued by combining tex-t based processing with conten-t based visual analysis of the images and videos. Besides, a complete processing procedure for images and videos on the web has been studied, including ( 1) information collecting by automated agents, ( 2) processing in both text and visual feature domains, ( 3) catalog ing image and video, ( 4) making index for fast search and retrieval. The experimental result shows that a higher cataloging performance can be achieved by using the prototype.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29