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Separation of 3-Picoline and 4-Picoline(PDF)


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Separation of 3-Picoline and 4-Picoline
SUN Chunxia PENG Panying WANG Yuping CUI Shihai DING Haiyan
School of Chemistry and Environmental Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097, China
3-picoline 4-picoline extractive distillation extractant p-methylbenzenesulfonic acid
The effect of different extractants such as alcohols, phenol and carboxylic acids on the relative volatility( αAB ) of 3 picoline and 4-picoline was determined in a recircalating still. The possibility of 4-methylbenzenesulfonic acid ( p-TSA) as a proper extractant was discussed in the extractive distillation of 3-picoline and 4-picoline. The extractant enhanced αAB from 1.02 to over 1. 5. The effects of extractant amount the concentration of 3-picoline on αAB was also studied.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29