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Studies on Producing Hydrogen with High Concentration from Methane(PDF)


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Studies on Producing Hydrogen with High Concentration from Methane
LI Chuantong
School of Power Engineering, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210042, China
hydrogen production methane proton exchange membrane fuel cell
The hydrogen production from methane for proton ex change membrane fuel cell ( PEMFC) has been studied. The conversion rate of methane at different steam- carbon ratios, the effect of different excess air ratios on the constituents of the gas produced, the permeability of hydrogen by the pressure differences of the two sides of the membrane, and the effect of different system pressure on the reaction enthalpy of hydrogen have been obtained. The paper describes the fact that the ratio of steam to carbon in methane is constant, the reactivity in the steam reforming reactor and the CO concentration at the outlet of the steam reforming reactor will rise with the increase of the flow rate of methane. If S/ C is not changed, the conversion rate of methane under different pressure and temperature has shown that the increase of the operating pressure from 0. 1MPa to 0. 6MPa and the temperature in the system can increase the methane conversion rate by ca. 21% and ca. 10% respectively. In PEMFC, the steam reforming method can be applied to produce hydrogen with high concentration to meet the requirements of PEMFC. A-l though the perfectibility of this system can reach 92. 23%, the real maximum conversion rate is 78. 03%, which should be improved. Both the increase of the pressure difference of the two sides of the membrane and the purity of the hydrogen contribute to the enhancement of its permeability . The results have laid the basis for the production of hydrogen applicable to PEMFC and provided a new approach to the comprehensive utilization of the coal bed methane.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29