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Simulation of theMultiband Excitation Encoder(PDF)


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Simulation of theMultiband Excitation Encoder
TANG M in ZENG Yum in TAN X ilin
S chool of Physical Science and T echnology, Nan jing N orm alUn ivers ity, J iangsuN an jing, 210097, Ch ina
mu ltiband ex citation speech cod ing s imu lation
The paper presents the pr inciple ofMBE (M ultiband Exc itationM ode l) and its analytical and synthetica l m ethods. MBE applies a new exc itation spectrum, thus prov iding h igh qua lity speech reproduction for both clean and no isy speech. The a lgo rithm is an idea l schem e o f current low - speed speech encod ing. The paper a lso illustrates the simu lation o fM BE Encoder and prov ides the flow chat o f the program and the resu lt of the s imu lation. The resu lt show s the synthetica l speech and the o rig ina l speech are sim ilar on the tim e reg ion and the frequency reg ion, and the synthetical speech is o f h igh de finition and com prehension, so the speaker can be easily d istinguished.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29