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Study on the Treatment of 1-Naphthol-8-Sulfonic Simulant Wastewater by Iron-carbon Micro-electrolysis Technology(PDF)


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Study on the Treatment of 1-Naphthol-8-Sulfonic Simulant Wastewater by Iron-carbon Micro-electrolysis Technology
YUAN Junxiu WANG Yuping LIU Yong PENG Panying
School of Chemistry and Environment Science,Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210097,China
iron-carbon m icro-e lectrolysis techno logy 1-Naphtho-l 8- su lfonic w astew ater treatm ent
U sing the iron- carbon m icro-e lectro ly sis techno logy to treat 1-N aph tho-l 8-sulfon ic simu lant w astew ater , this paper stud ies the o rig ina l pH va lue o f thew astew ater、reaction tim e、reac tion tem perature、so lution in itia l concentration 、iron pa rtic le size and the quality ra te o f iron and carbon to the trea tm en t e ffects, e lic its the best trea tm en t cond itions o f them ic ro-e lectro lysis techno logy. The results show that when pH va lue o f the so lution is 2. 0、iron particle size is 0. 90mm、the quality rate o f iron and ca rbon is 5:1、reaction tim e is 120 m inutes, the remova l ra te o f 1-Naphtho- l 8- sulfonic acid can reach 73. 4%, and the rem ova l o f TC can reach 83. 0%. The process o f decom posing reaction conforms to the k inetic rule o f first-o rder reac tion.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29