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Developing a RF Ion Source for 4MV Electrostatic Accelerator(PDF)


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Developing a RF Ion Source for 4MV Electrostatic Accelerator
SUN Zhenwu1 LI Tao1 ZHENG Shiquan1 LI Yuxiao1 JIANG Shengnan1 WANG Jianyong2 HUO Yuping1
1.School of Physics Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Henan Zhengzhou 450052, China; 2.Institute of Heavy Ion Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
electrostatic acce le rato r ion source ion beam osc illa to r
A RF ion source fo r 4MV e lectrostatic acce le ra to r is designed and debugged. The influence o f various factors on the RF ion source d ischarg ing is stud ied. It is found that keeping the inne r wa ll of discharge bottle clean, loading ho rizon talm agnet firstly, shortening the length o f copper rope and e lectrop la ting itw ith silver can ev idently reduce the low est d ischarge vo ltage. Re lationships between ion beam intensity and som e param eters includ ing plate vol-t age o f the osc illa tor, gas pressure and extraction vo ltage are de term ined. It is found that ion beam intensity increases along w ith discha rge voltage increas ing, has a culm ination w ith gas pressure chang ing and presents the property o f d-i ode w ith ex traction vo ltage chang ing. The exper im ent on e lectrosta tic acceleratorm akes known tha t the w ay o f load ing and un load ing ex traction vo ltage in fluences on ion source d ischarg ing. The reasons o f the phenom ena above a re analyzed. By comprehensive debugg ing, an stab le ion beam w ith 178μ A is obta ined under the condition of the plate vol-t age o f 580 V, the g as pressure o f 8× 10- 4 Pa, the extraction vo ltag e of 1. 65 kV and the fo cusing voltage o f 21 kV.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29