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Research in Locomotion Control Based on Central Pattern Generation(PDF)


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Research in Locomotion Control Based on Central Pattern Generation
ZHANG Yijun ZHU Qingbao
School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210097, China
locom otion con tro l centra l pattern generation ce llular neura l ne tw orks fuzzy neura l ne tw orks inte ll-i g ent contro l
Based on the contro lm ethod of am ple-robo ts. pace in bion ics princ iples, th is paper discusses the ma in -i dea that C entra l Pattern Generation ( CPG) is used to imp lem ent the hex apod s’ lo como tion controlw ith Ce llularNeura l N etworks ( CNNs) as its base, and fo r the shortages o f the m a in idea now ava ilab le, put forward a new CPG m ode l based on Fuzzy Neura l Netwo rks ( FNN) and CNN, and presen ts a num er ica l d iscrim inant techn ique fo r the stab ility of autow aves in CNN. Draw ing o f compensa tion based on FNN and Genetic Algor ithm s ( GA ) he ightens the system ant-i jamm ing capab ility. The sim ulation exper im ent shows that this contro l strategy has an idea l e ffect, is simp le in pr in ic ip le, and is easy to rea lize .


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Last Update: 2013-04-29